The Appleton Police Department has recognized the volunteer contributions of three young men who Todd Steven & Associates, Inc staff have provided guidance, skills and independence.
Please review the attached letter or appreciation from APD staff and the newletter clip.
Volunteer Verve
This has been a busy year for our volunteers. You have taken on many new and meaningful tasks, as well as continued doing those many important assignments you already have taken ownership of. We have many new volunteers in our midst, which is always an outstanding happening!
APD employees have repeatedly expressed solid confidence in our volunteers – for good reason! More and more requests are coming my way for volunteers to help out. This is because of your work record – because of your past exceptional efforts. We are blessed to have such a wonderful cadre of volunteers who bring such varied talents and skills to the table. We’re all better people – better equipped – because of your generous hearts.
Opportunities abound for our volunteers. In addition to those we’ve already got rolling, we continue to look for more volunteers to partner on SpeedWatch. We also have some internet research projects in the wings. Your time is valuable to you and us! If you ever feel you’d like to take more on, just let me know and we can fill those voids. If you ever feel you’ve bitten off more than you wish, similarly, we’re happy to pull back and take some off your plate. We’re just so very glad you choose the Appleton Police Department as the lucky benefactor of your volunteer efforts.
Thank you hardly covers it. But, an earnest thank you to each of you from all your friends at the APD!
~Beth Jasiak